sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013

Seminar: "Art and Culture as Therapy: Narrating Memories", organized by Creative Life Centre in St. James and NCAD, Dublin.

The network of Art and Culture as Therapy for Alzheimer’s has formed a new bud; this time formed in Dublin in Ireland. 
The project will be presented to the personal of Create Life Centre in St. James and National College of Art and Design (NCAD) on the 12th of December 2013 in a seminar at 3:30 pm. 

miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2013

Conference in New York, "Art and Culture against Alzheimer", NY Langone Medical Center, 25/09/2013

The project, Art and Culture as Therapy for Alzheimer's returns to New York. This time as the"key  note speaker" in the Spanish seminar, ALZHEIMER'S CARE IN THE LATINO COMMUNITY.
The congress is organized by one of the best hospitals in America, NYU Langone Medical Center, which is known for its ambitious research programs.  

lunes, 12 de agosto de 2013

Exhibition and Publication of the book: “Narrating Memories with Þórarni Eldjárn” in Reykjavík 19/09/2013

Exhibition at the National Libary of Iceland in Reykjavík

Opening of the exhibition and presentation of the book: Narrating memories with Þórarinn Eldjárn: 19th of september 2013 at 3-5 pm.

Ligth ale, kleinur and ástarpungar will be offered during the opening.

Exhibition: 19th of september to 3rd of October.

Opening time: monday-thursday 8:15 am-10 pm; Fridays 8:15am-7 pm; saturdays 10 am-5 pm; sundays 11 am-5 pm.

The exhibition “Narrating memories with Þórarni Eldjárn” shows the initial results of the first workshop in Iceland within project Art and Culture as Therapy for Alzheimer’s disease. This research focuses on non-pharmacological therapies for the Alzheimer’s disease and originates from the Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca in Murcia, Spain.
The Art and Culture as Therapy for Alzheimer’s disease: “Narrating memories with Þórarinn Eldjárn” was organized by the Association of families of Alzheimer’s patients and related diseases (FAAS) and the Dementia Unit at the National Hospital of Iceland. The workshop took place at the National Library of Iceland and enjoyed the collaboration of the well-known author, Þórarinn Eldjárn and 14 students from the Drawing Department at The Reykjavík School of Visual Arts.
Among the objectives of this collaboration is to open up the debate on Alzheimer’s disease and find out how narrating memories can join the scientific investigation and qualitative evaluation.
For further information about the workshop see: 

Frásagnir minninganna

martes, 9 de abril de 2013

From a little bud to a complex network of connections.

As we have insisted in our lectures, to work in a NETWORK is fundamental for the expansion of the research on Alzheimer’s and the aim to obtain results.
The project, Art and Culture as Therapy, started as a bud, eager to sprout, grow and create bridges and new and unexpected connections. This has been the life journey of the project, full of positive stimulus from all those who make up our network.

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

Murcia Tart with Paco Torreblanca travels to MoMA in New York

The research project, Art and Culture as Therapy against Alzheimers, returns to New York to take part in Practice & Progress: The MoMA Alzheimer’s Project Exchange, held at the Museum of Modern Art on April 15-16, 2013. This time our presentation includes the multi-sensorial project, Murcia Tart with Paco Torreblanca.

Other presenters on this topic include Lena Nordby of the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology in Oslo, Norway; Yoko Hayashi of Arts Alive in Tokyo, Japan; Dawn Koceja of the Milwaukee Public Museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Jessica Sack of the Yale University Art Gallery in New Haven, Connecticut; and a MoMA staff member.

Practice & Progress: The MoMA Alzheimer’s Project Exchange is an annual forum organized by MoMA and focuses on generating opportunities to think broadly and imaginatively about innovation in program content and delivery, and also to reflect specifically on program logistics, planning, and organization.

The two-day program will consist of panel discussions, experiential workshops in the Museum's galleries and studios, and smaller break-out sessions, and will cover such topics as interdisciplinary strategies for teaching with objects, innovative partnership models, and programmatic sustainability, among others. The aim is to provide numerous examples of ways of working with individuals with dementia that spawn meaningful interactions between individuals, art, ideas, and spaces so that participants can reflect.

martes, 5 de marzo de 2013

Course: Proyecto Alzheimer MuBAM, March 11th 2013

Museum of Fine Arts in Murcia and Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca invites you to participate in the course MuBAM Alzheimer Project, a course addressing accessibility through the Arts for people with Dementia and their caregivers.

Date: Monday 11th of March 2013 from 16:30 to 21:00

Everybody is welcome!